The effect of growth hormone on the muscles of the legs ......... !!

There are a lot of studies have proved that the interest component of the development of muscle strength, by training the muscles of the legs, in terms of power and size, especially when the nature of cruelty takes training and attendance, it was a strong relationship to increase the secretion of hormones search results
Translation and the meaning of the word Testosterone and growth .. !!
Provided that: -
* It did not get to the emergence of the hormone cortisol, which is a deduction for them.
* Warm up enough to do the work, so that it is raising the largest amount of muscle fiber intern.
* To exceed the number of iterations in the same group {5} repeat, lashing out for no more than 90% of the maximum for the player, but no more than the length of time muscle performance in the group {10} seconds.
The purpose of this is {short training period and the intensity of high-load}.
If increased performance for the mentioned time, reducing the chance of letting secrete growth hormone, which can achieve the desired result.
Interestingly, in the subject that the largest proportion both at the level of the players or coaches, they do not have the slightest idea of the natural growth hormone which produced by the body,  .. !!
And active role in strengthening bones and muscles, and cartilage building, especially with the provision of: -
* Hours of sleep enough.
* The days of leisure time over the weekend.
* Comforts interfaces between the group and the other.
* Attention about natural nutrition system..
Parties and that this hormone to Evers when the man only during sleep, but there is another chance for excretion when a Capricorn training ... especially when doing a {Squat} exercise performance   .... and which is considered his position at the head of the legs group exercises.
The fact that these hormones play a big role in determining the amount of muscle gains.
Finally ....
There is a rule that says ......... bones grow when responding to intense pressure located on the muscle groups.

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Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

Animal Cuts,